Christmas in Lacoste, Provence


So Christmas holidays are here,  school (and childcare) is out till 5th January. No more work for Maman and two energetic kids to entertain (plus the odd friend thrown in for good measure).  I have no option but to put 'business' on pause and get the walking boots on and get out and explore the beautiful Provencal countryside.

For anyone wanting to know what Lacoste is like at Christmas well here are some images to give you a visual as such. There is not a soul about, the sky is the clearest blue, the weather is sunny but crisp and the Lacoste Christmas decorations are so discreet you would barely know that the crazy season is upon us.

photo 4 (2)

My Charlotte, getting so grown up!


The three musketeers, Louis, Charlotte and their best friend Roman


A beautiful ray of late afternoon sunshine illuminates the Rue du Four and one of our local cats.


Mugging around en route to the upper village.

kids messing

Take a stroll..

 montage 2 lacoste

How can one ever get tired of these sights?

lacoste montage

And for those wanting an update on the Papa-Charlotte love affair, the flame is very much still burning bright. She has taken to helping choose his clothes in the morning. She goes to his side of our big chest of drawers and carefully chooses what she feels her papa should wear that day. It has become a little ritual between them and who am I to intervene.

Here she is feeding her Papa some of her vanilla icecream (apologies for the grainy badly lit iphone snaps)

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