Le weekend is here!


We are in the throes of our first weekend off,  every weekend for the last three months has been hectic, filled with fundraising events, weddings, birthdays, playdates, photo shoots, runny noses ...so to have no commitments is an incredible luxury and we are reveling in simply enjoying our kids....and tidying our house!

It was as if the children sensed our lack of commitments, Charlotte started heckling from her bedroom at 10.30 ... giving us all a delicious grasse matinee.  A lazy brunch was followed by a trip to the boucherie to pick up some tasty merguez & chipolatas for a late bbq lunch.  Dessert was sourced closer to home as our new house has an old cherry tree in the garden, its branches weigh heavy with juicy, ripe cherries so Louis and Charlotte got to taste their first home-picked cherries.

This is Charlotte with Souricette, the junior schools mascot, she spends every weekend with a different family and this weekend she is chez nous. We have a book in which we must detail our weekends adventures and we will have to note the love affair between Charlotte and this little French mouse