Raw stone & heaven

RUINS AND MOUNTAIN I tucked Charlotte under the down duvet and comforted her to sleep through a raging fever which had crept up overnight.

Outside the sun came out from behind the clouds burning through the layer of morning fog and illuminating the majestic valley beneath our chalet, I layered up and grabbed my camera.

Chalet ruins

Next to our renovated Shepherds chalet are three ruins in various states of disrepair. Surrounded in snow, it almost seems like the earth is reclaiming them.

I climbed into the nearest ruin and sat surrounded by the stone carcass, just in awe of the beauty and light.

the French Muse

On the other side of our chalet, stands a beautiful, much more intact ruin. I found an opening on the upper floor which was level with the snow and gingerly ventured inside on all fours. As the floor was collapsing into the mountain and blanketed in snow I had no idea what I was walking or kneeling on. Crazy? moi? that's what 2000m altitude combined with being more than mildly inquisitive will get you!


This is from the inside of the roof or attic space, some adventurous animal had made it all the way to the wood slats leaving their paw prints in the snow, I didn't quite have the nerve to go so far.


I just love seeing how the renovation echoes the original architecture of the shepherds homes. Here you can see the upstairs dormitory which has two huge windows on both sides to maximise light but he has restored the original wooden slats to both create privacy (for those inside the home) and aesthetic harmony with the surrounding ruins. Just loved this thoughtful design.