We've arrived

Finally getting around to checking emails and accessing my blog! We're in Provence.... it was a tough, exhausting slog to get here, the French decided to throw a National strike (there are major fuel rations country-wide - which made my husband's 11-hour drive through France all the more fun) but we've arrived! The last few mornings we've awoken to golden sunshine, straining through the shutters. It's cold but bright and beautiful. Louis spent all day today outside in the garden, exploring the many exciting nooks he couldn't get to in pre-walking days and collecting the fallen acorns hidden in the scrub (Provence doesn't do grass unlike Ireland!). He helped his granny load the wheelbarrow with wood and when she wasnt looking, filled her watering can with pebbles, relishing the delicious sound they made when they hit the water.

The last few days have seen me feeling a little sorry for myself,  I've been a little lost in this new world, feeling around for my new role, my new identity, now that I've left a career and a life I've known for 8 years.... I had expected to feel somewhat adrift but the emotion still sneaks up and surprises me. It feels like it's been years since I sat at my desk, answering emails and meeting with potential partners but it's less than a week. Saying that, today I looked over at my son happily sifting his fingers in the dirt with a grubby, contented face and I remembered the 'why' behind our big move. I've decided to get with the Provence vibe and slow down; chill out and not expect everything to turn around / happen immediately. I have got to switch off my city fast track way of thinking as it's not how things are done here e.g. the local estate agents work four hours a day i.e. they are closed between 12-4pm (which has meant our house hunting is a little more laid back than planned!)

Anyway that's enough navel gazing for one night (it's nearly midnight and why am I not in bed???). Tomorrow I have BIG plans, a long walk, some grocery shopping, trying out a new recipe from my Domini Kemp recipe book (which was a wonderful leaving present from my colleagues) and I aim to take loads of pics so hopefully there'll be some beauties that I can share

Love this! Via Holstee