Rubanesque in Cosmopolitan magazine


Guess what came out this week? The December issue of Cosmopolitan France, which features my Antique Ribbon Cuff in their Ultimate gift List feature...Trop genial!

Back at the end of May, two weeks shy of Charlotte arriving, I was asked to take some new photographs of this cuff for inclusion in a Winter lookbook. Of course, I had a few other pressing things on my mind other than my shop at the time... packing my hospital bag, giving a few extra cuddles to Louis before our three became four etc.  But in between my final nesting chores I took some pics and sent the email off to Etsy...

....flash forward four months and there was a chance that Cosmopolitan magazine was interested in featuring my cuff, but having worked as a film publicist for 8 years I know only too well how fickle magazine editorial can be so I kept schtum until I could be sure it was happening...

And here it is my first print's a pretty great feeling seeing your work in a national magazine, I don't know who is prouder, my husband or I.