Sun sets on Lacoste

We've been living off the grid for a few days, no mobile, no landline and no was nice but now we're back!!!!

So news... we've found somewhere to rent, it's the upstairs floor of an old house just outside of the village of Lacoste. It has a huge terrace with two sets of french doors (which obviously the french call simply 'porte fenetre' i.e. window door!!), 3 bedrooms, a big salon with an open fire with wood burning stove and plenty of attic storage plus two huge fields which we will share with our downstairs neighbour. We're surrounded by forest and it's very peaceful. It is a complete mess at the minute and needs a major overhaul after the current tenant leaves (new carpet, fresh paint job) and not sure what we're going to do about the 70s burgundy bathroom suite but it will be ours on 15th November....very exciting! Took some pics when we did a big walk around Lacoste, the sun was setting behind the village and amazingly the weather is still very warm and bright and we've got t-shirts on...